Citing Economics of Parks and Rec

Have you found a clip on the site and you’re looking for a way to cite the Economics of Parks & Rec? There are a two different ways to go about this depending on what you’re referencing. If you are publishing your work in a peer-reviewed journal, please include the JEE reference listed below.

Referencing a Specific Video

If you’ve found a single video and you’d like to cite it in your paper, a blog reference is likely the most appropriate:

Wooten, J. and Staub, K. (date post was published). “Title of Post.” Economics of Parks and Rec, URL of video.

Referencing the Site as a Whole

This website was published in The Journal of Economic Education as an online resource available for educators. As such, the site has undergone some preliminary peer review before being accepted for publication. If you are referencing this site as a resource for others, please use the following reference:

Wooten, J. (2019). Teaching Economics Using NBC’s Parks and Recreation. The Journal of Economic Education50(1), 87-88.